Saturday, September 1, 2012

Market Day in Lubrin

Market Day in Lubrin

Lovely to have time to try different foods and enjoy the whole process of shopping from the markets.  The Spanish aren't a nation of fast-food eaters, they prefer to buy fresh every day.  You won't find a fridge packed full of food, instead they consume what they have.    

Its Wednesday morning, eight o'clock and from our place we can hear the stall holders erecting their shelters and preparing for a morning of business.  It's the one morning of the week that Lubrin seems to come alive and I love the sounds of all the action happening below us. 

About 9.30am we wander down to the Plaza, armed with carry bags, sun hat and money in the pocket and ready to do business.  Its a social time for all and you don't want to hurry this process, nobody seems desperate to sell you anything, infact you often have to wait while they catch up with friends and finish their chatter.  It will happen but you just have to relax and take time, they're not going anywhere and if they happen to be serving you while a friend comes along just be prepared to stand and wait till he comes back to you.

The stall holders come from all around the region, and with the vast selection of wares provided some of the locals never venture any further.  There's fresh fruit, vegetables, eggs,  fish, cheeses, breads, meats, dried fruits, nuts, sweets, shoes, kitchen and  household utensils, women's clothes, men's clothes, socks, underwear, jewelry, handbags, sunglasses, an unbelievably sweaty man cooking roastisere chicken ( sometimes in 40oC)  and an enthusiastic young chap deep frying Churros.  This smells delicious and I notice people purchase then enjoy it with their coffee at the bar.  I'm told that it should really be eaten with a rich hot chocolate, one that you can almost stand your spoon up in, but for now coffee with do.

After filling the shopping the bag, a coffee in the Plaza bar is a must.  Nice to feel we are almost locals as they see us coming and offer us our "usual". Market day is the time to sit, enjoy the company of others, catch up on all the gossip, and generally watch the world go by.  Looks good to me - we're converted, just need a little more practise. 

Saturday morning we head to the market in Vera.  It's huge,  probably ten times the size of our Wednesday market with stalls galore but not quite the intimate, relaxed feel that Lubrin has.  Coffee at a local bar compares well and we manage to come away with only a pair of sunglasses!!!

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